‘Tiropitakia Kourou’ – Feta cheese pies

When I made those mini pies I got this image in my mind: a bus full of schoolmates climbing the hills of a mountain somewhere in northern Greece. Laughters, teasing among friends, fun moments and then in my bag, wrapped in aluminum foil those cheese ‘kourou’ pies. I think it’s the combination of feta and…

‘Spanakopita’ – Spinach pie

As time goes by and I get deeper and more consciously into cooking, things start to be shape up. It’s clear to me that any type of dough is of special interest to me. I think that the dough is a mirror. Every recipe/dish is, but with the dough it’s different. Every step you take…

‘Trifti’ apple pie

An apple a day keeps the doctor away, who gave the apple to whom, who took the first bite, the apple never falls far from the tree, she’s apples and so many other stories. Apple is maybe the most modest fruit of all. However, it has inspired many artist (think of all those paintings with…