Galette with mushrooms & turmeric

Vincent, one of my French colleagues after seeing my blog he brought me some recipe magazines from Paris just to give me a small taste of what’s going on right now in the French cuisine. That’s how I’ve met galette, the modern version of it at least. Galette is what the French call various types of…

Quince chutney cake

In Greece there is this dessert category, the so called ‘Spoon sweets’ or else fruit chutneys. Every Greek mom (or dad, but usually mom) makes a few during summer time together with jams. And what is regularly happening is that your mom wants you to have one or two or more jars, until you say…

Pasta with pesto & shrimps

Today is ‘Tsiknopempti’ and that for Greek people basically means one thing: eating (grilled) meat. Lots and lots of it! And dancing, and drinking, and having fun! It’s celebrated within the 2nd week of Carnival and it’s just a few days before a 40-days fasting before Easter. Due to bad time management (spent too much time…

Noodle soup with mushrooms

When I first came in Netherlands for studies, I was impressed with the stores selling various types of cheese. There was a time that every week I was trying a new type of cheese. Well now I’m going through the chili pepper phase. Coming back from my last trip, I went upstairs to my neighbor…

Vassilis’ birthday

You might expect another recipe but that’s a whole different kind of post.. So let’s go back a little bit. What’s your dream? That’s ok if you have more than one, you should actually! Well, one of my dreams is to find a way to cook for other people for a living. Searching for a way…